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Comic for Tuesday, October 7, 2003

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Posted by Dread God of Continuity on Tuesday, October 7 2003 at 12:01AM
We resume our regular schedule, hopefully without any more interuptions. In case the perspective is confusing, the car actually passes to the left of the tree, or in front of it from the side view. The heroes have panicked for nothing. Don't worry, all this noise is carrying somewhere.

ASW (DGC) out.
Posted by Creator on Tuesday, October 7, 2003 at 12:01 PM
I would like to take the time to add my own apologies for the recent technical difficulties we've been having. DGC has already explained it, so I won't go into it any further. We're past this recent hurdle, so enjoy the comic.

In this episode, we resolve the cliffhanger episode of last time with a rather simplistic but humorous screaming contest comic. Have fun.

This is the Creator, signing off.

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