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Comic for Thursday, October 16, 2003

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Posted by Authorman on Thursday October 16, 2003 at 12:01 AM
With DGC gone on sabbatical, I guess I'll be writing the first post.


Wasn't that great? My fifteen minutes wasted on this. Now I'm sad.

On a lighter note, did anyone see the Missouri/Nebraska game? I sure missed it, but mostly because the only football games I get are Penn State or Michigan State or some other shitty team. But anyway I'm referring to what happened after the game, specifically what that Nebraska player did to that Mizzou fan. This act only strengthens my abject (I think I'm using that word right) hatred of Nebraska and anything involving Nebraska. Also I noticed the Mizzou player that helped the fan to his feet and helped him get aid and that man's name is Brad Smith. From now on Brad Smith is my idol. No really, I'm gonna whittle a Tiki idol and curse the Brady Bunch or something.

Oh and back to DGC's vacation, why the fuck does that unemployed bum get a vacation in Maryland and I haven't gotten a vacation in three years?! Violence inherent in the system! Violence inherent in the system!

In all joking,
Posted by Creator on Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 12:01 AM
Well, DGC just up and went to Maryland, so I'll be taking charge of things here for a few days. Or attempting to, anyway. I'll be keeping contact with him, though, so he'll be informed of what's going on here. Anyways, on to today's comic. This is the thirty-fifth comic, as would be rather obvious to anyone who reads the bottom panel at the end of the comic.

Well, Assie is quite obviously not dead, and the farmer is quite obviously a crackpot. What else is new? We'll be returning to our main characters soon enough, so stay tuned.

Though I'm not much of a sports fan (though I do keep up with the important games), I'll add in a "Go Yanks!" for good luck in the last game of the ACLS championship. May the best team win(no offense to whatever Boston fans view this site).

This is the Creator, signing off.

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